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How to Support Your Health + Wellness With Essential Oils

As a women’s collective, we are all about empowering women to live their best lives, especially when it comes to health and wellbeing. That’s why we are huge believers in having tools in your own home, such as essential oils, to support and nurture your body.

If you’ve purchased any jewelry designs from our new Elements Collection, you've received a sample of our custom aromatherapy blends made with Doterra essential oils. We loved playing alchemist to come up with these unique blends, and the best part has been getting to share them with you!

During this time of social distancing, it is so important to find deeper connections so that we can feel human. One of the ways we love to connect is by sharing our favorite tools and practices to help support others in living their best lives. I mean at the end of the day, I think that's what we all want, right?

That’s why we asked our founder and designer Noelani Love to dive deeper into the healing properties of essential oils. So, if you’re ready to feel empowered by naturally supporting your health, keep reading!




Why do you choose to supplement your healthy lifestyle with dōTERRA essential oils?

Knowing how to use plants to nurture my body is empowering.  The fact that I don't always have to rush to the doctor when I have an illness or an ailment allows me to trust myself, trust my body and be more intuitive. I feel that so many of us have given our power away to authorities and systems that don't really serve us. As a mother, I love knowing that I have the ability to take care of my family's health naturally.
I feel that in this lifetime I am so blessed to be a human, and as a result, I feel responsible to honor the earth and the generations to come that will live and thrive on our planet. I choose to supplement my lifestyle with plant medicine because I know that's what my ancestors did, and I feel this knowledge will support human evolution. I know that my ancestors were very in tune with the gifts that this earth has to offer, and it's only natural. When we as humans pollute our bodies with toxins, it is a reflection of how the earth is treated. I feel that we each have a responsibility to love ourselves and the natural world around us.


What are your top 5 favorite oils?

On Guard- This is my favorite oil blend, and I carry it with me in my purse and when I travel! I feel like it's my personal protection blend that I use as preventative care from getting sick. This proprietary blend combines clove, cinnamon, rosemary, wild orange and eucalyptus to support the immune system. I use it almost daily internally and topically (on my lymph nodes) to fight off infection. As a singer and surfer, I am prone to sinus infections. When my throat starts to hurt, that's always the first sign for me that my immune system has been compromised.
My personal routine when my throat starts to hurt is the following: I take On Guard internally every 3 hours, and roll it on my lymph nodes (dilute with coconut oil). I can honestly say that 95% of the time if I am consistent with this protocol, I continue to feel well.
Peppermint-  Another one of my all time favorites that I carry everywhere. I carry the peppermint beadlets in my purse to freshen up my breath after meals or before singing at performances and events. I don't like to chew gum because of the added sugars. Chewing gum can also strain my jaw and throat muscles, so I prefer the simple and natural option of peppermint. Peppermint is extremely cooling, and can be perfect to roll onto the back of my neck on a hot summer day or even if I have a fever. One drop goes a long way, so a 15mL bottle will last a long time since Doterra's oils are so pure and concentrated.
Digest Zen- This oil helps with gastrointestinal issues as well as helping to support a healthy digestive system. I also travel with DigestZen because I have a sensitive digestive system, and this proprietary blend helps to calm an upset stomach (when used internally or topically). My son even asks for it when he gets a tummy ache, so I know it works for him!
Lemon- This is a great multi-purpose oil. I put a couple of drops in my Kangen water in the morning to support an alkaline system. Lemon is great for cleansing out toxins in the body. It can also be used as a household cleaner, which is great because it's non-toxic, and it makes everything smell delicious while purifying the air and surfaces. Lemon oil also supports a healthy respiratory system.  
Clary Sage- This is a great oil for easing the discomfort of menstrual cramps. I massage the oil into my low belly and instantly feel supported. I feel that this oil is so wonderful for the divine feminine energy, and I feel so loved and juicy when I put it on.
If you are interested in purchasing and of the oils mentioned above or other essential oils, sign up for a wholesale account at DōTerra's website to receive 25% off by clicking HERE, or email: for questions.
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