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Behind the Scenes of Noelani Love’s New Music Video

Last weekend, Noelani Love began filming the music video for her new single Deep on Oahu’s North Shore. We’ve been lucky enough here at the studio to see her creative process in action—from writing the lyrics, to recording and production and now shooting the video, Noe has put so much intention, energy and love into Deep and we are so excited to see the end result!
While we wait for the video’s release, we asked Noe to give us a behind the scenes look at how she brings her ideas and visions for sharing her music to fruition.

Listen to Deep and all of Noelani Love’s music on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music and Soundcloud.

What is your new song Deep about?

Noe: Deep is a love song, as well as a reminder of the importance of self love. I feel that women have collectively been fooled that a partner (whether it be a man or a woman) is going to fulfill us and bring us happiness. This is possible and perhaps true—but ultimately, we walk this journey alone. And if we don't love ourselves, we will never be happy.

What inspired you to write this song?

Noe: I wrote the chorus of this song when I was deeply in love with a man who ignited a lot of passion in my life. I was actually alone in a sauna in Japan when the chorus came to me as I was fantasizing about him. Soon after, it became clear that he was no longer emotionally available, and I realized I needed to reel my love in and "come back to me" to "create my own reality" (these are lyrics from the song). I realized that living out my dreams is what will bring me joy, "I'll keep singing and dancing around the world," and that giving them all up for him would be a mistake.


How were you able to find happiness and strength during this time of heartbreak?

Noe: I find that playing in and connecting with nature brings me happiness, so the bridge at the end of the song "You are my roots, you are my water, you are my air, you are my fire, you make me irie" are written to him, but also to the Earth. I sing of the elements of nature, which we are all a part of. 


What did this heartbreak teach you, and how do you hope the lyrics and music video to Deep will resonate with others going through a similar situation?

Noe: I hope that this video will inspire women who have gone through a heartbreak to live out their dreams—to come out stronger and to move forward. For me, this heartbreak has inspired so much growth. I realized that I was giving up myself in the relationship and feeling victimized. But ultimately, I get to choose my reality with every choice I make—and this life is for living!


What went into the making and planning of the music video? 

Noe: There was so much brainstorming and many discussions with friends before we went into action for this film.  I brought up the ideas I had to my friends during surf sessions, dinner parties, beach gatherings, etc. My good friends Bonnie Delgado, Natalie Bertha and Maki Vernon really inspired this video to come to fruition. I love talking ideas out and allowing creativity to flow through. I'm just one person, but I feel a strong sense of power when we put our heads together and share our intentions and ideas.


It really does take a village! How were you then able to take all of those creative ideas and start filming?

Noe: Everything kind of magically came together when my neighbor Chad Thurman reached out about collaborating for a comedy series he is working on. My other neighbor Julie Dahl, who has a bikini line Pakaloha, has been supporting my music since my first album, Lakshmi Lullabies. Julie offered up a sponsorship with her beautiful swimsuits for the video. I love collaborating and supporting local businesses, so once the videographer and bikinis were locked in, then the ideas really began to flow about scenes that would go with the lyrics. 


How did you decide on the different filming locations?

Noe: Because this song is a love song, but also a reminder of self love after a heartbreak, I wanted to showcase places that I love and that make me happy. I'm also all about simplicity! So when planning a music video on top of all of my other jobs, I want it to be fun and easy! I thought about places that I love to access regularly—spaces I have a relationship with. This way, I will feel comfortable and in my element, as well as safe and supported. A few of my friends have beautiful yards, so I reached out to them, including Barbara Kraft and Red Mahan, for the jungle and fire scenes. I swim on the North Shore a lot in the summer, so I wanted to showcase my love for the ocean. 

What about styling (wardrobe, hair, makeup etc.)? 

Noe: I also had a lot of support from friends in creating the scenes and the wardrobe.  Brook Hawkins, our studio manager is always visualizing fun ideas that will flow for our creative projects, so she loved helping with clothing and jewelry. And of course, I wanted to include as many friends as possible in the video, so I reached out to friends to be a part of the dancing, underwater and fire scenes! In keeping up with my theme of natural lifestyle, I wanted to look "natural" while also accenting my features, so I decided to hire a hair and makeup stylist to give the video a sense of high quality elegance. I don't usually wear makeup, so I also asked one of my friends Vanessa Li who I connected with at a freediving breath training course last year to help me out. 


Being in front of a camera can be nerve-wracking—what helps you to relax and feel comfortable when filming?

Noe: I laugh a lot, I share the vision with everyone, I invite everyone to take deep breaths, I make love to the camera. I imagine the viewers watching the video and connecting with the song and loving it. I want people to sing and dance along!!


Is there anything else you’d like to share about the songwriting process and the importance of sharing your music with others?

Noe: The ideas for song lyrics is kind of a mystery to me. They are always channeled during moments of extreme highs or lows. I journal a lot, so sometimes when I'm just exploring my feelings through writing, poetry will move through me that turns into song. Or if I'm surfing and really scared or happy, I'll start to sing to calm my nerves and express my joy. The ukulele has been a great tool for me to find melodies for the songs. And although I've always loved singing in private, I've had to really get out of my comfort zone to share my music publicly. But the feedback I hear from fans about the transformations and love they feel through the music continues to inspire me to share. It's actually a really vulnerable and scary process as an artist. But I know this is what I've come here to do—express myself as a channel of the divine to uplift and empower others on their path.

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