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The Power of I AM: Affirmation Collection

Life looks a bit (or even a lot) different for many of us as we adapt to social distancing measures because of the current global pandemic. With all of the changes going on around us, it's easy to feel overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. That’s why it’s so important to recognize the power our thoughts have on our reality. What if we replaced negative self-talk such as “I am scared,” or “I am alone,” with positive affirmations like “I am healthy,” or “I am safe?” The mind and body are deeply interconnected, and when we repeat positive, affirmative statements, we’re re-wiring our subconscious. And when we change the way we think, we can change the world around us. 

We asked our founder, Noelani Love, to share more about our Affirmation Collection and why she is such a strong believer in the power of affirmations.

Read below to learn more or watch our IGTV to see the video.


What inspired you to design the Affirmation Collection?
I designed the affirmation collection because I've used affirmations in my life to rewrite my story. There have been (and will continue to be) times where I'm challenged and my situation is hard on my spirit. I realize that each challenge is an opportunity to make the best of the situation and to grow. The affirmations have helped me so many times in rewriting the script when I fall victim to my circumstances. I wanted to share the power of the I AM statement with my clients, so that the jewelry is not only a physical representation of beauty, but also an empowering talisman.
How did you choose the different affirmations?
I came up with the different affirmations by tapping into the metaphysical properties of each stone, and what I felt that the crystal embodied. I wanted to keep the affirmation statements short and sweet so that they are seamlessly received and digested by my clients. This way they can take them into their daily life and say them during moments when they don't feel at peace and shift into alignment with the power of positive thoughts.
How did you decide which crystals you wanted to use?
I chose the crystals for these necklaces because they are some of my favorite to work with, and some of them are very popular or well known to many people, such as labradorite, turquoise and amethyst. Although many people are familiar with these stones, I wanted to share the deeper meanings of these minerals.
What role do affirmations play in your daily life?
I use affirmations daily in my personal life. My favorite one right now is: "Everything is happening in divine timing." It's easy to get caught up in the drama, or to come from a place of reactivity when we are confronted with situations we didn't anticipate. And like nature, everything is flowing with the cycle of life, and these statements help me to come back to presence.
How do I know which affirmation necklace is right for me?
I suggest trying on the different affirmation statements if you are trying to choose one for you. What feels like it resonates with you? What feels like it doesn't resonate? What would you like to work on in your personal life? We all have the answers for our own highest purpose, and those answers live within each of us when we tap into our breath and our intuition. Enjoy!


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