A unique group of women will have the opportunity to rediscover their own sacred feminine essence in the magical land of Bali.
Are you ready for a shift into a more spiritual version of your current self?
Are you feeling stuck and ready for transformation?
Are you ready to rise into your power as a woman to create healing and change our planet?
In this retreat, we will be focusing on activating the 2nd (Sacral) and 5th (Throat)
chakras for clear communication and expression in order to create your inspired life.
There will also be a strong emphasis in finding your gifts and learning how to share them authentically in your community and in the world.
We are offering SCHOLARSHIPS for Wellness Facilitators
(yoga teachers, massage therapists, sound healers, etc).
Price per person for scholarship is $1111 for a 2 person room,
and includes all yoga, workshops, excursions, and food!
Email Noe@NoelaniHawaii.com to apply!
Hi love! I am a friend of Jessica White <3 I lived on Oahu for a little while about a year ago. Jess from me to your store in North Shore and I still wear my herkamer (spelling?) diamond necklace all the time. Would love yo find out more about the retreat! pricing, schedule, etc.
Sending you love and high vibrations!
Hi there! I love you’re beautiful retreats- despite never having been to them. I recently got back from facilitating a female adolescent camp on Maui and was reminded of my passion for helping others find their light and best Self. Do you ever collaborate with others to run retreats, or is that something you would ever be interested in?
Nicole Nakamura